
Is There a Cure for Meniere’s Disease?

By Brian Robinson. The answer to this question pretty much depends on how you define 'a cure'. If it means all symptoms disappear, your inner ear heals and your hearing returns to normal then the answer is no. If it means you no longer have disabling symptoms and your vertigo is eliminated or comes under … Continue reading Is There a Cure for Meniere’s Disease?


Meniere’s Disease-Vertigo-A Personal View

By Brian Robinson. Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash Like me, if you are suffering from vertigo you will no doubt have some questions that need answering. Starting with the obvious: 1 Is there a cure or are there any treatments available for Meniere's Disease? 2 Can it be managed in a way that helps reduce the frequency … Continue reading Meniere’s Disease-Vertigo-A Personal View


A Conversation About Nothing

A flash fiction story by Brian Robinson. Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash "'Nothing', that's what I can't get my head around. I imagine myself in a spaceship travelling out beyond the universe into an endless ocean of 'nothing'. That just doesn't make sense. Do you think it's because we are so locked into a physical dimension that … Continue reading A Conversation About Nothing